The Revenant

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It has always been difficult for me since I started my college life. In terms of academic performance I am just surviving. Also I have begun losing my interest in the art of writing  –  not because I don’t get time for it but for reasons I may never get to understand. Maybe I just got lost of my track.

I have begun losing my interest in reading. Not reading would definitely make writing difficult.

During my recent summer vacation I came to understand that I’ve been a bit lazy for the last two years. I have been losing something I might never  be able to recover. So I began thinking I should be getting back into my interests of writing and reading.

I am a bad reader. Somebody told me a bad reader is a bad writer. The art of writing begins with the art of reading; just as how well you chop wood would be determined by how good you are at sharpening your axe.

From the book I would have read as many times as a Christian would have read the Bible, The Notebook by one of my favorite writers Nicholas Sparks  says a blunt axe is more dangerous than a sharp axe. I find that’s logical and is true in the art of writing too. It takes so much reading to begin writing.

I came to realize how good one is at writing is also how diligent one is and how perseverant one is at finding the best way to express one’s thoughts.

And for some other reasons too I began thinking I should be getting back into writing and reading writing whenever possible.

Writing is one old friend who never would let you down!


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