Internet: Some Tips You Should Know

Today the Internet keeps the world moving. There is so much one can do with the Internet, however so much to care about. Security is one of the concerns one must be taking into account. Here are some of the things that one must be taking care of while using it.

  • Keep your passwords super-strong: A strong password is a mixture of numbers, special characters and both upper- and lower-case characters. Using different passwords for different accounts is also a good practice. Some would recommend changing your passwords at least twice a year. Never share your passwords.

  • Secure Connection: Many Internet connections are not secure, especially if they’re Wi-Fi connections. One should be aware that that Wi-Fi that one uses in coffee shops, airports, and hotels are risky to your email and bank accounts. One solution to this issue is to use the connections only if public networks are secured using WPA or WPA2 protocol.

  • Use Private Windows: Whenever you are in internet cafés or using others devices, make sure to keep yourself private. Most of the browsers have this feature. In Firefox it is called Private Window and incognito window in Chrome. These features ensures you to peruse the web without the fear of having all of your information saved to your computer. 

  • Update to Protect: Keeping your browsers not updated makes you vulnerable to web threats. Periodically check for updates for your browsers.

  • Not all the sites are secured: Websites that have https:// before the web address are adding an extra layer of security by encrypting your browsing. It is best to use https:// whenever possible. Most important, never send bank info, credit card numbers, confidential e-mails, or other sensitive data unless you’re sure you’re on a secure site.

  • Know Whom You Contact: People on the Internet can sometimes be bad! Contact only with those you know are genuine.  Be aware of the fake accounts in social networks.  

These are some tips to remember among the many others. Keep yourself secured before its too late. 


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