One day Us in the History

I remember those days, the days when I was a little kid where kids of my age played building castles with mud; replicating valleys on sand; floating paper boats on dirty stagnated water; and playing marbles is something I won't forget to mention.
Photo from:
As a kid, for me everything was more of being outdoor. Going back into these flashbacks of memories I remember how my sisters would get angry over me for making my clothes dirty.

But as a kid my idea of the world around was very less. What I knew was about plants (how we produce potatoes, chilies and tomatoes without which almost every Bhutanese cuisine is incomplete), animals(how we get milk for butter and cheese, who would carry huge loads from long distances)  and environment (which season we should plant maize, which part of the day's is suitable for transplanting chili seedling).

But today kids are  impressive.  Before the know how to walk, they know how to use smartphones (for me as a child using a  calculator too was a huge machine to deal with).  Today kids are engrossed into advanced video games, addictive animated movies and other entertainments. In my case, managing a simple radio wasn't  easy.

Looking into it, I regret two things. I never will have a childhood occupied with so much of "facilities". Moreover, I am scared thinking what if the future kids look on us like we think of people before the advent of civilisation?  They are never going to enjoy the beauty of being outdoor. 


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